The following is the mode and are etiquettes of performing Hajj and ‘Umrah:

1. At the time of departure the intending pilgrim should see his family members, relatives and friends and request them to forgive him if he ever oppressed or offended them intentionally (unintentionally and also seek Du’aa. He should also entrust the welfare and security of the children, family members and property to Allah Almighty thereby to earn blessings for himself and for his family as well.

2. Reaching “Meeqaat” he should offer two Rak’at prayer with the intention of “Ehraam” ar after “Salaam” (completing the prayer) form “Niyat” of, expressing the word of Hajj or ‘Umrah as the case may be and then utter “Labbaiek” (Talbeeh). In “Qiraan” he should Say “Labbaieka Bil ‘Umrati wal-Hajj“, in “Tamattu” say “Labbaieka Bil ‘Umrah and in “Ifraad” say “Labbaieka Bil Hajj”.

3. He must eschew all those things, acts which are forbidden or Makrooh (odious) in the state of Ehraam otherwise the penalty prescribed by the Shari’ah will become due whether it done (or happens) deliberately or by mistake or under duress or during sleep.

4. Reaching within the premises of the grand mosque round the Ka’bah, he should, at the first glance of holy Ka’bah, make Du’aa with all heart and proceed to “Baabus Salaam” praising and glorifying Allah Almighty and the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon Him). He should kiss it and entering in “Mutaaf immediately busy himself in performing “Tawaaf provided that the congregation prayer is not being held at the moment or the time of “Witr” or “Sunnat-e-Muakkadah” is not running out.

5. He should do “Iztibaa” before the start of/joining congregational prayer and stand towards “Rukn-eYamaanee” near “Hajar-e-Aswad” (the blackstone) facing the holy Ka’bah in such a manner as to have the whole Hajar-e-Aswad on his right.

6. Then he should form Niyat of Tawaaf and walk a little towards his right, with the face remaining towards the Ka’bah, so as to come in front of Hajar-e-Aswad and then he should, raising his hands upto the ears with the palms facing Hajar-e-Aswad, say “Bismil Laahi wal-­Hamdu Lillaahi, wal Laahu Akbaru Wassalaatu Wassalaamu ‘Alaa Rasoolil Laah”.

7. Kiss the Hajar-e-Aswad, if possible, otherwise point the hands towards it and kiss them and advance towards the holy Ka’bah reciting “AILaahumma Eimaanam bika wat Tibaa’al­-Lisunnati Nabiyeeka Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi wa Sallam”.

8. Having passed the Hajar-e-Aswad he should begin Tawaaf keeping the sacred Ka’bah on his left in the style of “Ramal”.

9. While passing the “Multazim”, “Rukn-e’Iraaquee”, “Meezaab-e-Rahmat” and “Rukn-e­Shaamee” (during the performance of Tawaaf) he should recite particular Du’aa prescribed for each spot, occasion. However, invocation of Allah’s blessings on the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon Him), recitation of Durood Shareef on all the spots, occasions is much better than praying for oneself.

10. When he reaches “Rukn-e-Yamaanee” he should touch it as a token of respect and can also kiss if wishes. But pointing of hands towards it and kissing them is not permitted.

11. On arriving at the spot of “Mustajaab” (from Rukn-e-Yamaanee) he should make Du’aa or recite Durood Shareef which will earn him great blessings.

12. Du’aa and Durood Shareef should not be recited very loudly but in a low pitch. Not too low to be heard by himself.

13. On reaching the Hajar-e-Aswad again, his one round of Ka’bah is complete. He should perform seven circuits round the holy Ka’bah in the same way. However, “Ramal” has to be observed in the first three circuits and in the remaining four ones he has to walk with the normal pace.

14. After completing Tawaaf (performance of seven circuits round the Ka’bah) he should kiss the Hajar-e-Aswad and observe “Istilaam”.

15. He should offer two Rak’at prayer (that is Waajib) at “Maqaam-e-Ibraaheem”. If it is odious time let it pass and then offer the prayer and also make Du’aa.

16. Go to “Multazim” and embrace it near “Aswad”.

17. Then he should go to “Zamzam” well and drink its consecrated water in three breaths to his fill facing the Ka’bah and also pour over himself. Make Du’aa as it is accepted this time.

18. Proceed to observe “Sa’ee” now or after some rest. For the purpose, he should first kiss the, Hajar-e-Aswad then proceed to “Safaa” through “Baabus Safaa” praising Allah Almighty and making Du’aa. When he reaches such a height, while getting on the stair, that the holy Ka’bal looks, he should turn towards it and busy himself in praising, glorifying and remembering Allah, making Du’aa and reciting Durood Shareef for quite a long time.

19. Then proceed to “Marwah”. Reaching the first “Meel” (the spot where green tube-light are on), he should march briskly upto (beyond) the second “Meel” and then reach the Marwah with the normal walk. He should make Du’aa here facing theKa’bah.

20. And then he should go to Safaa similarly and keep running to and from till the seventh perambulation ending at Marwah.


The performance of the above-mentioned rites and ceremonies i.e. Tawaaf and Sa’ee is ‘Umrah. The Qaarin and Mufarrid who intended for Ifraad should stay in holy Makkah in the state of Ehraam uttering “Labbaiek“. But he who intended forTamattu or for ‘Umrah alone should give up “Labbaiek” immediately after kissing the Hajar-e Aswad at the outset of first round of Tawaaf. After completing Tawaaf and Sa’ee the pilgrim should get his head shaved off or the hair cropped and then take off Ehraam. H must wait in holy Makkah for 8th Zilhij to proceed Minaa.

And Allaah knows best.